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Feed Your Face: 8 Healthy Habits for Food & Skin

April 17, 2021

Feed Your Face: 8 Healthy Habits for Food & Skin

Often common skin issues are more than skin deep. There is a proven connection between nutrition and skin health, which means perfect skin starts from within.

Here’s our guide to feed your face (literally) for a radiant glow that no amount of topical treatments or skincare serums could replicate. 

1. Avoid Sugar

This sweet stuff isn’t just bad for your waistline, it can be bad news for your skin as well.

Sugar causes insulin levels to rise in the body, which increases inflammation in the skin. Inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, causing skin to wrinkle and sag.

Too much sugar can also aggravate skin conditions like acne, eczema, and rosacea.

By eliminating excess sugar, you may be able to reduce the amount of insulin in your body and control breakouts for a clearer, healthier complexion. 

2. Consider Cutting Dairy

Got acne? Milk may be messing with your skin.

More research is needed to be certain, but some experts believe that cow’s milk may lead to acne breakouts. The exact connection is still unclear, but one theory is that since the majority of cow’s milk in the U.S. comes from pregnant cows, the hormone levels in milk may play a role in excess sebum production, which can result in acne or skin breakouts.

If you suffer with stubborn breakouts, it may be worth experimenting with a dairy-free diet. 

3. Green Juice Everyday 

Green juices are natural beauty boosters that can help skin look more hydrated, alive, and glowing. By using the right ingredients in your daily juice, you can feed your skin powerful vitamins and nutrients that are essential for a naturally gorgeous glow.

Try this easy recipe for an extra dose of greens:


1 bunch curly kale
1 lemon, peeled and quartered
1 cucumber, cut into strips
1 large apple, cored and sliced
Ginger to taste

Blend all of the ingredients in a high-speed juicer and enjoy!

4. Eat Plenty of Healthy Fats

Healthy skin needs healthy fats (aka essential fatty acids). Since our bodies don’t make essential fatty acids on their own, we need to get them from our diets.

Essential fatty acids like omega-3s and omega-6s are vital for healthy cell membranes. And a healthy skin cell membrane results in plump, soft, wrinkle-free skin.

One study from 2016 even found that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the risk of non-melanoma skin cancers, especially in individuals with the highest risk.  

These healthy fats can be found in fish and seafood (particularly cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna), nuts and seeds (walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseed), and plant oils (canola oil, soybean oil). 

5. Drink More Water

We know you’ve heard this one before, so we’ll keep it brief. Proper hydration will help increase blood flow and rid the body and skin of toxins. 

Water helps your body. It’s science

6. Increase Vitamin C Intake

The wonders of vitamin C for skin health are many: it brightens and evens skin tone, boosts collagen production, and helps repair damaged skin cells. The result is plump, firm skin that looks and feels younger and healthier.

Oranges are probably the most well-known source of dietary vitamin C, but don’t discount these delicious options: bell peppers, kale, broccoli, strawberries, pineapple, and kiwi. 

7. Eat for Natural Sun Protection

Sunflower seeds and almonds are loaded with vitamin E, which supports skin health by creating a barrier against damage from ultraviolet (UV) rays and pollution.

This natural anti-aging nutrient can absorb the energy from ultraviolet light and prevent free radical damage from the sun.

Note: Vitamin E is not a substitute for sunscreen, which is still the best way to avoid the marks of premature aging (wrinkles, fine lines, and sun spots) and protect against skin cancer. 

8. Spice Things Up

Herbs and spices have been used for centuries to bring food to life, and many have health benefits beyond infusing flavor. Adding herbs and spices to your meals will boost your antioxidants and phytonutrients, which work together to strengthen and replenish skin.

Use cinnamon for a natural flush, ginger for a smoother, more even skin tone, and turmeric for its potent anti-inflammatory benefits. 

Note: Cooking with more herbs and spices doesn’t mean you need to increase the spice level of your food. Hot and spicy foods can actually cause a temporary flare up of redness or blotchiness, especially for those with rosacea or very fair skin.