Natural skincare has evolved, but one thing remains true: we still make use of ingredients around us, oftentimes using plants our ancestors have turned to for centuries. Seaweed, which grows in abundance in our oceans, is a natural source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, with anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties that help to heal the skin.
A frequent question that skincare users often ask about is - is seaweed good for you? The short answer is yes. With the abundance of vitamins and minerals you find in seaweed, the benefits of using this ingredient in your skincare products are bountiful.
Seaweed comes in many variations, and the benefits of each species are unique in their own way. There are three main categories of seaweed: green, brown and red. The difference between them is the pigmentation of their skin which gives them unique, natural abilities to hydrate and repair your skin.
You may have recognized a few ingredients in your skincare products you aren’t familiar with and wondered what on earth they’re doing there. They come from a seaweed found in our oceans and they hold many health benefits for our skin and body.
Seaweed is a natural source of vitamins and minerals and can enhance the look and health of your skin. Using algae-filled skincare products will protect your skin from the harshness of the outdoors by adding a layer of protection to stop your skin from drying out.
Don’t panic when you see a difficult to pronounce botanical ingredient -- usually they are listed on labels by their official botanical names rather than the more common words people are familiar with. Here's a look at the most common ones you'll see.
The health benefits of seaweed on your skin for sufferers of acne, rosacea, psoriasis or any other skin conditions are significant in the healing process. With anti-inflammatory properties in most, if not all the seaweed family, your skin will maintain protection against further outbreaks once it has cleared.
Seaweed can help to remove dead skin cells, hydrate the skin and then form a barrier to protect from dirt and further infection. Using seaweed in a facial scrub will help to keep your skin clean and moisturized, helping to combat any further problems with your skin.
Once your skin has healed from a debilitating skin condition, you can use seaweed moisturizers and face masks to keep your skin hydrated with natural fatty acids that will help prevent further problems from developing.
This condition is also in the healing category due to the skin being damaged. Seaweed skincare products can help to heal the damaged skin then regenerate the skin cells to clear the dark patches and reproduce new healthy skin cells.
Seaweed acts not only as a barrier to protect the skin but also sinks deep down into the epidermis to hydrate and nourish cells, giving you an enviably healthy glow. The healing benefits of seaweed for skin are so numerous that it makes an incredible addition to any skin care routine.