Tamanu oil is relatively new to the U.S., so research is still surfacing in regard to its proven benefits and treatments for various skin conditions, but we've got all of the information you need on this exotic skincare ingredient. Read this to find out tamanu oil benefits and uses.
New to essential oils? These pure, powerful products offer tons of all-natural health benefits and uses, from stress relief to cleaning tools (plus, they smell amazing). Read this to discover essential oil basics and learn how to use them to elevate your everyday life.
A pH level that is too high or too low affects the skin as a protective barrier, which can lead to inflammatory skin diseases like rosacea, acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It may also cause dry patches, redness, and aged skin.
So, what can cause the skin’s pH to become too high or too low? Read this to find out!
Despite the plentiful skin benefits of coconut oil, it’s not the cure-all that many web sources make it out to be, and it might not be the best oil for your skin type.
But there’s good news, too! Read this for everything you need to know before using coconut oil for skin (plus some alternative solutions).
When people spot a dry patch or clogged pore area, they reach for the scrubbers and scour away as if searching for some hidden answer. But if blemish-free skin is what you’re looking for, the answer has already surfaced: don’t over-exfoliate. Read this to find out how often you should exfoliate based on your skin type.
Changes in humidity, stale air in cars and airplanes, increased sun exposure, and other natural and environmental stressors can cause a range of skin issues, most commonly breakouts and dehydration. Read this for all you need to know to create your own perfect travel skincare routine.